You've got to create a product that meets needs, and you've got to market the product to the list. One of the things that I do with me list is: I ask them regularly, "What are you looking for? What's your greatest challenge?" You've got to find out what that challenge is. People don't generally buy higher ticket products based on hype; they generally don't buy them based on other people's needs. They buy them based on their own needs. People have very specific needs.
Those of you who are on this phone call today, you have very specific needs or you wouldn't be on this phone call. Those people who are no longer on the phone right now had very specific needs; when they got on the phone with me today they realized in this phone call that I can't meet their needs, and so they've gotten off the phone call. Obviously, if you're on the phone and I'm not meeting your needs, I'm not teaching anything, and you already know everything I'm teaching you shouldn't still be on the phone call. Those of you who are on the phone call with me right now, you have very specific needs and you're asking me to help you meet those particular needs.
You have to do the very same thing to your list; you have to find out what their very specific needs are and then you have to meet those particular needs.
The thing is, if you aren't willing to find out what they want, what they need - you don't deserve to get any sales, that's what I think.
You see, if you are worth having people send you $100, $1000, or $10,000 online, you have to meet THEIR needs - not the needs you think they have, but the needs they really have.
And to find out what those needs are, you are going to have to be responsive, you are going to have to ask good questions, you are going to have to build a relationship with the people on your list.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.
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