High gas mileage cars provide a lot of benefits. From lesser fuel expenses to tax deductions to helping minimize air pollution, these automobiles are definitely good investments. Getting the best gas mileage, though, does not mean you have to spend a lot to purchase a fuel efficient automobile. There are low cost cars that are available that can offer drivers the best mileage.
With skyrocketing fuel prices, high gas mileage cars can definitely help alleviate some of the financial problems that individuals and businesses face. These vehicles can give owners better chances of earning tax deductions. Some of the best bets for potential car buyers looking for high gas mileage are hybrid electric cars and hydrogen fuel cell automobiles. If budget is a bit limited, then you might want to opt for a less fancy, but still highly functional automobile. Highlighted below are some that cost less than $15,000.
One of the best options for shoppers looking for a low cost automobile with high gas mileage is the Kia Rio. At a cost of less than $11,000, the Rio has been rated highly in terms of gas mileage. It has an EPA combined rating of 29 mpg. It is powered by a 110-horsepower, four-cylinder engine and has been praised for its spacious interior despite its compact size.
A bit more expensive than the Rio, but still reasonably priced, is the Toyota Yaris. It has an EPA combined mileage rating of 32 and has a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $11,350. The Yaris has a 106-horsepower, four-cylinder engine with variable valve timing. For its price, the fuel efficiency of this Toyota model is quite impressive, with its highway EPA rating at 36 mpg and city rating at 29 mpg.
Another mid-priced car that never misses fuel efficiency lists is the Honda Fit. The car has a suggested retail price of $13,950. Aside from its combined gas mileage rating of 31 mpg, the Fit has also received positive ratings for its interior configuration, which, considering its size, offers a lot of room for passengers and cargo. The safety features of the Honda Fit also earned it high ratings from reviewers and consumers alike.
When it comes to fuel efficiency, consumers may also want to consider the Scion xD. It records a mileage of 27 mpg city and 33 mpg highway. The starting price for the xD is about $14,500. The engine is 1.8L, four-cylinder inline which gives out a performance of about 128 hp. The look of this car is also definitely a plus.
High gas mileage cars offer a lot of benefits, but they do not necessarily entail you to empty your wallet to earn these potential gains. A bit of research on what's available in the market and some of your time spent on comparing prices would be enough to give you a fuel efficient car without leaving you destitute and unable to enjoy your purchase.
Looking for a car that clocks up the miles and puts money in your pocket? Find out more about High Mpg Cars that deliver with performance and fuel economy at http://www.gasmileageincars.com
Car DVDRecent statistics shows that the number of girls using diabetes medicine has increased to the double in 2002 and 2005 in the United States. The main reason for this increase is obesity.
It was announced in the American Public Health Association that children at different ages are taking drugs and medicines originally made for adults' treatment. These drugs are made to treat adults for heart disease which are caused by eating too much and lack of exercises. Also there was an increase of the usage of blood pressure, cholesterol, asthma and depression medications and drugs by teens.
This research studied the prescription medicine records of 3.5 million children with private health insurance between 2002 and 2005. The researchers found that there is an increase of using heart disease and type 2 diabetes medicine and drugs.
The study which took 4 years of testing and analysis found that teenagers' and children's use of heart related medicine has increased as Emily Cox, senior director of research at Express Scripts said. The results showed that there is an increase in type 2 diabetes prescriptions among girls aged between 10 and 14 by 166 percent and an increase of type 2 diabetes prescriptions of 135 percent among girls older than 15 years.
The main reason of the increase of diabetes among children and teenagers is the high number of obese children. The statistics shows that there is a sharp increase of obesity among children and teenagers in the U.S. which led to the increase of heart diseases. Although it is difficult to determine the number of children and teenagers who have diabetes and heart disease, the number will raise.
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